Let's revue--what's new wednesday???
Glad you are feeling better. Maybe the antidepressants are working. My psychologist said they are "don't give a damn" pills ... wish they were happy pills. But at least your body is feeling better.
If Tom is getting a Kindle, maybe you could give him a gift certificate to Amazon for some e-books.
Today I have to get my avon order in. I really don't sell that much to other people but buy our own toiletries from them when on sale. I think I just do it to have something to do.
Annette glad you are feeling better.
Margo, good luck on the packing and glad your husband is doing well.
Going to work on dusting the house today AGAIN! The wood burner makes dust so I have to dust at least every other day. I enjoy the wood burner so I will not complain about the dust too much.
I hope everyone has a good day and don't forget to smile at least once today. It is good for the soul.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good morning, ya'll.
I am at the Hope Lodge in Greenville, NC. My daughter is here with me from Oregon. When we came to check in on Sunday, they couldn't find my paperwork, had no idea I was coming. The night gal made some phone calls and we were able to get checked in to a room. Monday I asked if they had found my paperwork and they had. My Dr. sent a fax saying I didn't need anyone to stay with me AT ALL. I thought she was just gonna say for the 1st 2 weeks. That makes me very happy. Unless I take a major turn for the worse, or if my DH just wants to come up and keep me company, no one has to disrtupt their routines to babysit me.
I have had 2 radiation treatments so far. I get zapped twice. Once from the front, once from the right side. The zapping only takes about 15 minutes. So far I feel no different than I did before radiation. I am also taking my Xeloda, the chemo pill. 10 of them a day.
Today after radiation, my DD and I are going to drive to Jacksonville and take my DH to lunch. She won't get much other chance to see her Dad this trip.
I really like this place. The people are all friendly, and in the same boat as me. Although I think I am better off. I still have all my hair, I have no ill effects from the treatments and I can drive myself whereever I want to go. Most of the people I have talked to are from Jacksonville, also.
I guess that's about it. The only computer access here is in their computer room. They only have 2 computers so I don't like to spend too much time on them. I don't know why they don't put in a simple router and we could all surf the net from our own laptops. Oh well.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
I am so glad you are doing so well. Keep up the good spirit!!!!!
Have you ever thought of getting a At and T Sym card for you puter or the Verizon Aircard. It is about 60.00 a month but well worth it. I get internet whenever I want to use the Sym Card. I can even get internet driving down the road but when someone else is driving!!!!! I also have the verizon aircard for my daughter. So I have a double whammy!!!!!
on 12/16/09 2:00 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Just wanted to say I'm sorry you are having to deal with all of this. But you seem to be doing well and I'm glad about that. Your attitude this whole time has truly been remarkable and inspirational.
Best wishes to you for an easy and speedy recovery!
Good morning Margo and OFF friends,
Margo - glad your husband's surgery was successful. I'm hoping he has a speedy recovery!!!!
I will be finished work early today and my plan is to get out there and get my shopping done. I want to be ready and caught up now - lol
Not too much news here, so I won't rattle on. Have a wonderful day everyone!